Thursday, September 20, 2012

Red & Camel

My school has a three-week long winter term where students can take one accelerated class for 3 hours 5 days a week, mostly to get undesirable core out of the way.  After they changed their credit system from 4 to 3, winter course shifted to mostly two-week courses.  They failed to make sure the students knew that.  So I arrived back on campus a week early with absolutely nothing to do.

After a trip to Jo-Ann's, I came back with Sensations Rainbow Boucle in red & camel, two skeins (853 yards each).  I started with a ch of 156 and sc'd the whole thing, back and forth.  It became my "I don't want to think" project and took two or three years before I finally made it through the first two skeins and the third I'd purchased to complete a border of dc going perpendicular around the outside.

It ended up a lot wider on the starting end than the finished end.  It's a definite trapezoid.  The border wasn't even all the way around and is a bit wavy in places.  But it's warm, it's done, and the cats love it.

I worked at it during winter term.  I worked at it waiting in line to see Sucker Punch.  I worked at it at my first overnight SCA event.  I worked at it in class, hanging out in the dorm with friends, at home over the holidays.  It's been a bunch of places and it's been a long time coming, and it's worth all the stitches.

At one point not long after I finished it, it fell off my chair and onto my knee brace (which I call my knee corset).  It's a lot of spandex and metal and velcro.  Unintentional felting nearly broke my heart after how long it took to finish, but it's just one of the corners and not that noticeable if you're not looking for it.