This was a bit of a disaster. I had rose and blue yarn I'd gotten from the Dollar Tree and didn't know what I was going to do with it, so the obvious answer was to make another scarf for my Vampire: The Masquerade character, Zaage. Only I used all the yarn. And there was quite a bit more than I thought there was.
It was a brand called Rhapsody in a dusty blue and a dusty rose. I did a bunch of different patterns I don't recall at this point that ended up sagging a lot more than expected, which only added to my problem. By time I was done, the scarf was about 4 inches wide and 25-30 feet long. The ends were rose, the middle was blue. It had to be wrapped several times around. It was really a bad plan.
This thing was so terrible it almost doesn't deserve a post (especially this long after making it). I did wear it for a good while, though, until I finally got fed up with having to wrap around and around.
And since then, it's sat in the closet with the other multitudes of scarves I've used for the character. I really need to stop actually making scarves each time something happens in-character to the one I'm wearing. It's really the only time I wear scarves to begin with...
Pictures eventually.
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