Wednesday, February 24, 2016

More Activity to Come!

I've been taking it ridiculously easy this past year.

My wrist was really giving me trouble and I wanted to be absolutely sure it had time to heal before I started moving forward with projects again. While all that happened, I've graduated with my Masters degree and started my first real full-time job, so there's been a lot of changes on this end. Further complicating things, the majority of my yarn stores are on the opposite coast from me, so it's no so simple a task these days to pop into my room and grab the skein, stuffing, or embellishment I want.

However, I think it may just have been a repetitive stress injury instead of full-blown carpal tunnel, so I've been trying to pick back up to a reasonable project pace. One of my goals for 2016 is to complete at least one project a month--and I'm on track so far! I feel guilty for having neglected this log of mine, so I'm adding onto that goal that I'll have to update within a week of completing the project AND clear out this backlog of completed projects I've got. From 2 years ago. I'm awful.

But that'll change.

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